Thursday, November 1, 2012

More days with Mom


Lisburn Train Station

We took my mom west on the train to Lisburn.  They have a Linen Museum that is really cool.  Unfortunately their no pictures policy was strict.  Some museums I have asked if we can take picture to help my kids who are home schooled recall the things they will be seeing.  Sometimes I have then been allowed to take pictures with no flash.

Lisburn has had a very English character and loyalty since 1641.  Many English and Welsh settlers came to the area during this time.

When the English started prohibiting Irelands sale of wool to foreign lands.  England was realizing the Ireland was underselling and interrupting their trade.  They decided to put their energy into Linen instead.  There was not a great demand for linen in Ireland but it was traded in Manchester and London.

In the late 17th century the Plantation of northern English and southern Scots brought some very skilled weavers to Ulster.  Flax started to be grown for profit  and a Linen Board was created.

Today homes such a the White House and Buckingham Palace use Irish Linen to set their tables.  The Titanic was well supplied with Irish Linen as well.

a sign board out side the exhibit