Friday, April 12, 2013

Angel Oak

We went to visit the historic and amazing Angel Oak.
"The Angel Oak Tree is estimated to be in excess of 400-500 years old, stands 66.5 ft (20 m) tall, measures 28 ft (8.5 m) in circumference, and produces shade that covers 17,200 square feet (1,600 m2). From tip to tip Its longest branch distance is 187 ft.  The Angel Oak Tree is thought to be one of the oldest living things in the country. The land where the Angel Oak Tree stands was part of Abraham Waight's 1717 land grant."

We were told it was fun to see and thought okay how exciting is a tree but...?   The size of this tree is like visiting the beautiful cedars in The Ancient Forest near PG. It is huge.  Knowing they have stood their for hundreds of years is mind blowing.  When you start thinking of all the history they have lived through and what has happened around them.  To cool.

Angel Oak

kids under the oak tree



kids thought it would make a great place for a tree house. lol
a white squirrel
along the drive to James Island

water everywhere

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over hanging Spanish moss and some bug guts on the window

Sabrina's flower


Janie said...

Wow You have seen some awesome things. Loved the pictures. Why is the oak tree called angel tree?
I agree with the kids it would be great for a tree house or two or three.
I like tigers too Shelli.

Unknown said...

The oak derives its name from the estate of Justis and Martha Angel.

from the web site.