Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Family visits

In preparation for our trip we have been trying to squeeze in as many family visits as possible.  It would have been made much easier if they all lived closer.  We did do a fairly good job of seeing a bunch of them.

We were able to spend one day at Steve's Family Reunion in Fraser Lake.  Seeing everyone was well worth the drive.  We enjoyed our time catching up and enjoying the lake.

A family bbq was next in Quesnel. We needed to catch up with our nephews who graduated.  We were able to say bye to Steve's parents and sister's family in person.

Then off to Alberta, Calgary in the middle of Stampede to visit with my sister's family and my parents.  We were able to spend almost a week with them which was so nice.  It has been a while since we saw them.  The kids had a great time with their cousins.
Bailey, Sarah and Sabrina

Caedon, Samuel, Sarah, Sabrina and Bailey

Keiran, Caedon, Samuel, Sarah, Sabrina, Bailey and Riley

Grandma, Sarah and Sabrina

Grandpa, Samuel and Steve

Sarah and Teagan

Teagan and Samuel

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