Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hi today we went on the longest walk we walked from downtown Belfast to the Titanic Quarters. It was so much fun, although we did get tired toward the end but it was all worth was worth it because I have discovered that you can hardly go anywhere without finding something Historical.
 This is the Europa Dad said it is Historical for being the building that was the most bombed.
 This is a cute merhorse they were everywhere.
 These are some Daisies growing out of cement towards the water.
                                                This is me by River Lagan.
          This is Sammy By that River too.
 This is a better view of the river Lagan.
 This is Sabrina by the river Lagan.
 This is all three of us by the river.
 This is Sabrina Standing by a memorial at the Titanic it is a list of the names of all the people who died during the tradgedy. Sabrina only got to 79 on the third one out of 10?

The titanic Museum.

Food review:
  • McDonald-as good as Canada
  • KFC-as good as Canada
  • Pizza Express -THE BEST RESTAURANT!!!!
  • Subway - as good as Canada
  • The hotel Restaurant - GOOD CROISSANTS
I miss you all lots.
-Sarah Lynn Gyllich

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