Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ireland the journey begins

This trip has been 2 years in the making.  We were asked two years ago if we would be willing to go with Steve and stay in Ireland for several month.  Yes, was our immediate answer.  Preparing for that trip started our homeschooling adventure and we are so glad it did.

Well time went by and it was decided that Steve could support the work in Ireland from this side of the world, so our trip was off.  We were disappointed to say the least.  Then early this year Steve was asked to go over and help out.  We were so happy when the invitation included the kids and I.

Clock Tower

Queens University
Steve spent 3 weeks each in May and June in Ireland.  His pictures have made us even more excited to see it for ourselves.

On Thursday morning our flight takes off.  We fly to Vancouver, Toronto then Dublin from there we will take a train to Belfast.  I am sure it will be a long but exciting trip.  The kids are already excitedly talking about inflight movies and airports.  They are not first time travelers but it has been a while.  I am still worried about forgetting something I just can't live without. 

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