Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Beach Day

Monday morning we woke up to a beautiful sunny day.  The weather reports were for a sunny +19 degree day.  So we packed up the swimsuits and headed to the beach in Helen's Bay.  Now back home 19 degrees would not be a swimming day.  The water park would not have many visitors but here in Ireland it is beach day.  If you are waiting for warmer weather you will never get to the water.  I took my hoodie though, brr,  Helen's Bay has a nice stretch of sandy beach.  Something that is a little hard to come by near Belfast.

We had to walk from the train station in Helen's Bay through the Crawfordsburn Country Park.  It is a nice park with trees and ivy you would expect to see in Vancouver.  The Park has a couple little streams running through it as well.

Crawfordsburn Country Park

Train bridge


a big tree
 The kids were really brave enjoying the water.  I soaked up some sun and dipped my toes in.  The kids built in the sand and got frustrated when the rising tide ruined their hard work.  We stayed until the dark clouds threatened rain then started the long walk back to the train.  We laughed and talked on the train about our wonderful day and all the fun we had.

Chariots of Fire

sand sculpting

walking on a sand bar

Sarah, Sabrina and Samuel

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