Monday, September 10, 2012

Family Day

Yesterday we enjoyed just being together at home.  Steve usually only gets Sundays off so we save some sightseeing for Sunday's so he can join us.  This weekend he had Saturday off too.  So we went sightseeing on Saturday and just spent down time together on Sunday.

We are getting ready for some fun events in the next 2 weeks.  Samuel turns 9 on the 15th.  It has been very important to try make this a special birthday, as he will only have us to celebrate with.  My, does he have a list of things he would like to do on that day.  He will start his birthday celebration with an arena spectacular "Walking with Dinosaurs".  He and his dad will have a guys night as the tickets are a little costly.  The show boasts they have recreated 20 life sized dinosaurs that walk and roar.  I look forward to the drawings and costumes this will encourage.  On Saturday he has plans to visit all the things he loves that Steve has not seen, Helen's Bay beach, the Pickie Park mini golf and the Three Stooges movie that us girls have not seen.  Dinner changes constantly as he tries to pick his favorite place to eat.  We may end up at the bowling alley he likes their hotdogs, it is really sausage on a bun.  Thank goodness we get to order for ourselves.

Samuel and a guard
We are all counting down to Grandma Bateman's arrival.  The kids are so excited to show her their favorite things in Ireland.  She may not sleep much on the way here but I am sure she will need a long rest when they are done smashing as much as possible into the 2 1/2 weeks she has with us.  Preparing for my mom's arrival has caused me to think back to those first few days after we arrived.  Everything from the moment we got off the plane was so different.  The accent of the customs agent who wanted us to "queue" on the wrong side of the hall.  Paying for lunch when I am not sure because of their accent, how much they asked for or what coins to use.  And riding in a taxi, I had to close my eyes some times.  I have had a couple fender benders in the last three years with my big truck and I am a little nervous of some driving techniques.  Irish cab drivers use them all and on the wrong side of the road.  I have overcome all these things and now I feel ready to be a tour guide.

The weather is feeling more like fall with the exception of the leaves and grass they are still so green.  We keep looking at jackets for the kids and I, rain coats were impossible to find in PG.  I thought we would just buy one here, but the humidity makes anything that does not breath seem like a sweatbox.  So I look at this coat and consider that coat, then we wear our thick hoodies because they breath and are warm.  They don't keep the wind from driving through you though and that can get a bit chilly.

We are going to miss our beautiful view when we leave.  Our home in PG may need some framed photos of this view.

sunset on the Lagan marina

sun setting over the Odyssey

Lagan River marina in the pink sunset


PJMCNeal said...

Hi, just read your adventures in Irish living! Really enjoyed it! Your mom is probably there by now, what fun to share your fun with her! Blessings to you all, and the photos are so beautiful!

lil said...

I'm SO glad your mom is going over to be with you!! It will be the experience of a lifetime, just like it is for you!! God bless you all!