Saturday, July 21, 2012

Jet Lag and First Impressions

Day 3 is beginning we are all still suffering from jet lag.  Samuel and I were up at 3:00 again today.  He was being quiet in the adjoining room so I did not check on him.  At 6:00 he came to see me because he was getting hungry.  What a surprise I got when I looked in his room.  He had built an amazing fort across his bed and attached it to the girls bed.  He was sweet enough to cover Sarah's head with a pillow before switching on the light.  She slept through the whole thing.  Sabrina had chosen to sleep on the floor so was spared the light.

We are all amazed at how noisy Belfast is at night.  Taxis and people are going until 3:30 in the morning.  Last night they started street sweeping at 3:30 the sweeper had a vacuum that sounded like a jet taking off, very hard to sleep through. 

Our first adventure on the city bus was a trip to Tesco a store a lot like Walmart or Superstore.  We took a lot of residential streets and were amazed at the skill needed for driving.  Cars park on the sidewalk to be off the street.  It is helpful but not nearly enough space the ride was a jerky start and stop ride taking turns with opposing traffic to squeeze through the residential streets.  People are very helpful, not, two people left their car doors open while they went in their house.  Very surprising their cars are not all banged up.

narrow streets

One of Belfast's many murals

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