Monday, July 30, 2012

Olympic Monday

Our day was centered around watching Zara Phillips the Queens granddaughter ride for GB in the Equestrian Cross Country event.  Sarah is crazy about horses and being able to watch a royal ride in the Olympics was so exciting for her.  

We found it amazing how something so small can unseat a great rider.  There were several spills on the course yesterday.  Most noticeable to us was the Canadians the first 3 crashed or fell off their horses.  I guess we need to stick to the rodeo.

Lunch even centered around not missing a moment of horse riding.
Sarah eating her bap and watching horses


We have two room thus two TV's which is good for kids that are not so excited about horses.  It is like a theater in room one we have CBBC  and in room two we have Olympic horses.

After veggin' on our bottoms for far to long.  We headed out for a nice walk.  The weather was warmer and than the last few days so it was nice to get out and stretch our legs.  We also needed to find something reasonably priced for supper.  We are getting so tired of eating out even the kids are ready for a home cooked meal.  A visit to Poundland, Tesco and Boots provided us with our supper.   The best part was nothing was fried or grilled in oil.

The best part of our day came in the form of an email.  Our friends sent us a video of Sasha, our dog.  We are missing her alot so it was really nice to see a video of her happy camping.

I took out my big lens and got some detailed pictures of the building across from our hotel.
built in 1905

Names of the counties in North Ireland


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