On our walk home from the Titanic Quarter on Wednesday I saw the cool souvenir shop Steve had told us about. We were getting worn out so I filled it away in my memory for another day. Well with nothing much to do on Thursday I thought it would be fun to go and look in it. Right, my filing was not so good. I could not find it again. I knew we were in sort of the right area so we wandered around in a lost little circle checking out new buildings we had not seen before. Then as we turned a corner there it was right in front of us. The kids were not to excited about my suggestion that sometimes in life we have to lose ourselves to find what we really want or who we really are. They suggested paying more attention to street signs, easier said than done. Street sings in downtown Belfast are on the side of buildings, facing only one way. Streets don't always have the same name for more that one block. Makes for lots of street names.
Some pictures from our travels. =)
They like these hats. |
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