Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lazy Day

We spent yesterday taking it easy watching the Olympics on TV.  The BBC's news is very slanted towards the GB team.  We have to really watch to catch any Canadian scores.

The funniest thing though has been the men's bike race.  It has been very widely publicized that team GB was going to try control this race and make sure that Mark Cavendish got a gold medal.  I guess in Beijing he was the only one on the team that did not get a medal (and he has been pouting ever since).  They did try to control the race but then when that big breakaway happened they just could not get up with them and get him his first place.  When two guys broke away from the break away group and won first and second the BBC announcers were dumbfounded, had they not gotten the memo this was to be Cavendish's gold metal what did they thing they were doing.  Then in their desire to have things turn out the way they desired the announcers did not notice the 21 guys in the break away group cross the finish line and instead declared Cavendish the 3rd place winner.  Until their screen told them other wise.  He actually came in 24th.  But could he have been happy with a metal that was spoon fed to him.  I understand their is some helping in this sport especially but really.  We think it should be a team metal if this is the way it is to be run.  I will give Hartley Miller back his mike now lol.

The weather was very rainy and cold.  Hard to believe that England has been basking in 30 degree weather when just a few miles away we are at 16 and rain.  The news weather forecast for England, Scotland and Ireland has so many different temperatures and conditions all on the same day.

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