Monday, August 13, 2012

The Giant's Causeway

After the Dunluce Castle we headed to the bus stop to catch our bus for the Giants Causeway.  Upon arriving at the stop we discovered we had a one hour wait for the bus.  So we decided to walk to the next stop, Bushmills.  By bus it would take seven minutes, on foot it took much longer.

Bushmills is the site of the brewery, we will have to visit there another day.  They have a War Memorial set up right in the center of town in a round about.  We were surprised to see a tractor putting along in the weekend traffic.

Lifeguard Station

tractor using the round about
When we got to the Giants Causeway we were amazed at the number of people there.  It was really busy.  Trying to stay out of peoples pictures was almost impossible.

It is a long sort of steep walk from the visitor center down to the rocks on the oceans edge.  It was well worth all the time to get there.  A picture does not display the size or the feel of standing in the midst of those amazing rocks.

"The science - there are over 40,000 interlocking basalt columns.  Caused by intense volcanic and geological activity.  The columns are a hexagon shape."

The Folklore and Legends tell a different story.  "The Giant's Causeway is carved from the coast by the mighty giant Finn McCool, who left behind an ancient home full of folklore. 

Giant's Causeway Folklore & Legend

The story tells that the Giant’s Causeway was built by Finn McCool as a walk way to fight the Scottish giant Benandonner.

Finn fell asleep before going across to Scotland and he woke up to find the Scottish giant appearing on the horizon. Finn realised Benandonner was much bigger than himself and ran to his wife Oonagh wondering what he should do. Oonagh disguised Finn as a baby and made him curl up in an enormous cradle. Benandonner saw the huge ‘child’ in the cradle and began to wonder what size his father would be. Benandonner returned to Scotland and destroyed the Causeway as he returned home."

web story:

What every the story or the science it is an amazing place to visit.  The tide was coming in while we were there so we got to enjoy the waves breaking against the rocks.  The kids and I of course got our feet wet.  Steve decided to be our photographer.  He got some great pictures. =)
Can you see the camel rock in the middle of the bay?

the path down

map of the bay we are looking at on the trip down.
Our first look at the Causeway was ...
first look

Sabrina and Samuel

Sarah, Sabrina and Samuel

waves breaking on the rocks

reminded us of a pipeorgan

Sarah and I

Oonagh, Finn's wife

Finn McCool

Benandonner, Scottish giant
We arrived home foot sore but having really enjoyed our day.

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