Saturday, August 4, 2012


Our apartment is finally ready for us to take over.  It has been used by guys who are sent over here from the company Steve contracts to.  The project has been on going for the last two years.  The couple that were in it before us had a cute seven month old yellow lab.  Sooo yesterday was spent vacuuming and cleaning.  Amazing how much a puppy sheds.  One thing about renting it feels nice to clean so it is your dirt on everything.  The apartment is furnished but has the feel of having had several different tastes helping.  Guess that is to be expected when several guys have called it home.

We are not posting any pictures yet the kids agreed we have to send pictures of our nice view once the weather clears.  It was raining sideways yesterday.  Because of the cleaning needed and finding additional furniture for 5 people we will not actually move over there until Sunday.  We have to go shopping today for everything.  It is like when you first started out on your own.  We even need salt and pepper.  Thank goodness there are some dishes and pans.  It will be an interesting day stocking a kitchen with brands I don't recognize.  Wonder if Save On would deliver.  I am a faithful customer.

Then we will have to get linens and a bed for Sammy from Ikea.  The kids would like to get special duvets to take home with them but with just one suitcase a piece that may not work.  They will have other more important things to take home.

This is the Titanic Memorial at City Hall.  Unveiled 26 June, 1920 it was moved to this location in 1960.  The man who sculpted it died  two months after the unveiling.  "In the memorial, the female figure of Thane looks down upon two sea-nymphs as they rise from the waves with the body of a drowned seaman in their arms.  The names of the dead include the ship's designer Thomas Andrews and doctor John Simpson."

memorial garden

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