Thursday, August 2, 2012

St. Anne's Cathedral

We started out our day in the usual way, watching the Olympics.  It was exciting to watch Canada win a few metals.  We were jumping up and down cheering on the mens 8 in rowing.

Before lunch we headed off to find some lunch and go exploring.  We wandered by the beautiful St. Anne Cathedral and decided to take a look through as it was open.  The Cathedral is so different from churches we have attended the kids were in awe of the stain glass windows and different chapels.  There were three with different a theme in each one and a gorgeous baptismal.

St. Anne's Cathedral


Pipe organ

Regimental Chapel


Ceiling of the baptistry
Chapel of the Holy Spirit

 The St. Anne's Cathedral building was stared in August 1899.  It was built in several stages.  Many additions have been added in honor of parishioners.  Services are still held in this beautiful Cathedral.

Outside of the Regimental Chapel

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