Monday, August 6, 2012

Belfast Zoo

We woke up late Sunday morning so Steve could sleep in a bit on his day off.  The kids and I kept things moving in our excitement to get to the apartment.  We enjoyed our last breakfast at the hotel then we called a cab ... well two cabs.  The cars are so small here that we needed two cars to get us and our luggage to the apartment.

Setting up the apartment with our little bit of luggage took no time at all.  Then we took Steve out to enjoy the public transit system.  We rode the city bus to the zoo.  I think you should not ride a bus with me.  I seem to have a bad effect on buses right now.  This one broke down the poor driver was trying to get the air lift system to work properly.  Thankfully the route runs every 15 minutes so we all jumped off and grabbed the next bus passing.  It felt kind of sad leaving the driver with his broke down bus.

The zoo is very well set up, up a hill.  It is located right next to Cave Hill Park where the Belfast Castle is located.  All the steep hills make it not very stroller friendly but that did not slow families down.  we had a serious work out seeing all the animals.

happy kids


baby giraffe
lion monkey


view from the top of the zoo

sea lion pups
Back at the apartment it was time for our first supper in our new place.  We had spaghetti and meat sauce.  Keeping things simple at first seems like a great idea until we figure out the stove and the pans.  All of us enjoyed watching the sun go down and were surprised when we saw it was 9:30.  Bath and bed time was a rushed affair, Steve had to work in the morning.
sunset out our dirty windows

boats in the harbor

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